AMERICANS: We are tired of struggling in a country where we have so much, yet give our people so little. Budget cuts are being made everywhere. We are less and less: FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, it is not about the people anymore, just like T.V. isn't about Quality only ratings. This is my space, this is my quality, hopes, fears, and dreams, my stories I share with you.
My "Sex in the City" addiction, LOL
Ok so tonight I was all psyched cuz I rented the last three disc of "Sex in the City". I have to laugh at myself because I totally forget I was still on part one, and needed to see disc two, thank goodness I still have four days left to watch it after tonight. I really enjoy watching a series in the correct sequence so tonight there will be no show. I did see a really good special on "Judy Garland" that aired on PBS, I just couldn't pass it up. She fascinates me, and was so talented, and beautiful. I was very suprised about how she was treated by the industry of entertainment, and not at the same time. I am a little disappointed about not seeing my show tonight, but I can always watch the new release I rented "Half light half dark" with Demi Moore. I saw a movie similar to it that she did quite a while ago called "Possession".
Something to smile About....
Joan of Arcadia season two is suppose to be released Novemeber 28th. I am very happy and excited. This comes just when I need it. I think I will ask for it for my b-day. This show just gave me so much, I don't know how or why, but it made me feel so good about people. It made me feel like their are still people who care. If you loved this show you can go to the forum and chat with people who loved it to everyone is welcomed, and hate is not tolerated. It is so cool to be able to surround yourself with caring people, it is sooo very.
TTFN, great news....
smiles Arcadia
Tommorrow, Tommorrow, I love ya tommorrow.....
Ok I think I really like this green color. I am tired. I hope I sleep real well tonight. I have a long day tommorrow. I thought I was done with trying to get the whole internship taken care of, but I'm not. I have to meet again with the dirctor, and then meet with my supervisor. Than I am going to have this person sign some things. Later I will have to hand it in, wait for approval, then sign up for my class. The good news is I filled out some forms so I may qualify or be chosen for a scholorship which would be really cool. I am going to have some warm milk with co co and then read a bit. I"m pretty happy though cuz on Saterday I work, but it's a short day. :) I also have some friends coming up this weekend. My one good friend Miss Navey was up, still is, just haven't heard from her yet. Oh well she's probably real busy catching up with Family at least I was able to see Kidder.I miss my friends, probably don't tell em that enough. Goodnight World. ARCADIA
Big Chicken
Ok, so tonight I got bored, decided to download the Trailer for "Grudge 2" since my favorite actress Amber Tambyln is in it. I chickened out! Since it is 1am and I am alone, I thought this is not a good idea. I mean I started jumping as soon as a very scary part came up in the trailer and the loud music started. So I guess this chicken will have to re-download it tommorrow. If any of you computer people know does the download stay on your computer even after you get off the net if you want to wait and watch it latter? If I knew I wouldn't have to download it all over again. I"m such a baby, usually things like this don't scare me. I'll watch horror flicks before, but this, I don't know it left me erry even with just watching a few seconds of it. This is gonna be a scary movie!!! ARCADIA
Chirping Crickets.....
I had a pretty good weekend. I did not do to bad on my garage sale, and have some cash to put aside for my future home. It was nice to be in Cadillac for a while. I watched some good movies too "RV", "Faliure to Launch", and "In her shoes". It was the first time my mom and I had time to watch movies together in a while. On Monday I was ready to come home. I can only take so much of Cadillac, LOL. Somehow I managed to get this weekend off to without even asking. I"m kind of sad though cuz I am going back down to part-time, it looks like. I am grateful I could work full time this summer though. I even was able to earn full time vacation hours so that was really nice. Now it's time for me to get back to my goals.I meet with my advisor to fill out the rest of my paper work for my internship this thursday. Then I can pay and sign up for my class. I also have to call the director at the daycare I'll be intererning at. It could take me longer then a semsester or shorter depending on the hours each week. I need 64hrs all together which isn't bad at all. I've decided to take painting 2 this spring so I don't have to re-enroll. It might change though because I do have a class week long I need to take in May. I have to ask registration if this class even though it is only one week would count for a semeseter. If it would as much as I'd like to take that painting class I would save my time and money by not taking it. I have to think of that to. So we'll see what happens. I do plan on being done with my Certificate in Early Childhood by the summer of 2007. This doesn't mean I am quiting school, I just have to figure out what kind of bachlors degree I want and can get from the credits I already have, well add to to get that bachlors degree anyway.I have limited myself well that does sound kind of bad, but I'd like to be done with my college in five years. I know it sounds crazy and I can't believe I am saying this. I want to have one kid by the time I am 33. I must be crazy I never thought i would want kids. I can't stand the thought of being pregnant, but we'll see what happens. I am in no hurry. Although it would be fun to be a mom to. Like everything in life there is a good and bad side. Trying to be positive :P) ARCADIA
Things that make me happy.
This may be silly, but I thought it would help me look at the Postive things in my life.1. Slipping into clean bed sheets after a warm bath. 2. Renting a girlie video after a long day at work. 3. Running into old friends when you least expect it. 4. Finding money I forgot about in my jean pockets. 5. The feeling I get after I have a clean apt. 6. Days off of work without having to do homework, or other stuff. 7. Pay checks where I can put money away for the future.
Just another smile
Ok, so I am not really sure what to say. What I do know is that every once in a while you have to spoil yourself. This is why yesterday when I saw Punky Brewster Season 3, I didn't even hesitate like I usually do when I consider making a purchase. I just grabed my charge card and decided it was about damn time I allowed myself to be irresponsible for once! I figured it was not something I do everyday so just this once I would allow myself to indulged. Not only that I was able to see one of my friends from a far, even if it was for a couple of hours, and her cute little boy. Everyday I am trying, really trying to look at the bright side of things. I"m just waiting for my "Sun to come out Tommorrow", and everyday I tell myself it's not that far away. ARCADIa
A Step Up....A Notch Gained..
It's great to know that I am a head in the ball game! I recieved an e-mail from my internship advisor that I have plenty of time to sign up for my internship. I can sign up as far as six weeks into the semester :) . Also I am meeting with the advisor of my internship at the hospitol where I will hopefully volenteer at the day care. I go to go over paper work tommorrow, and turn in all my important information. I am really excited. It is an beginning and an end. Thus being that the start of my internship, will mean only two more classes to go to finish my Certificate in Early childhood. I am hoping that when I finish it will give me a sense of accomplishment. The reason? A sense of accomplishment makes me believe that I can do more, and that anything is possible. It gives me hope! This is really what I want to give children, HOPE. ARcAdiA...
Cleaning up my Act
I've been pretty tired lately, but something keeps me trudging on, LOL. I"m doing pretty good, but I do wish my allergies would subside. I think it's mostly my stirring up the dust with all my cleaning. Tonight I thought I would just clean a few things, but I got on a role, and now my bedroom looks better then it has in at least a year. sometimes I feel like Bob Segret from Full House remember how mcuh eh liked to clean? i get that way about once a month, when I just can't take it anymore, and everything has to be done. I tackled the living room, which was pretty much clean since some friends of ours cleaned it up for us. I even got fizzy out exercising, n then cleaned her cage. She doesn't like to exercise much in her cage, she likes her yellow ball much better, can't say I blame her. It's nice to be able to explore. My own mind on exploring would be that maybe I should find one place I have never been and venture there. I know there is a lot of unexplored places that I haven't been in T.C. yet. I just don't think their are because I have fooled myself into thinking that I have been everywhere. Tommorrow I takle my worst nightmare, the tile in the kitchen, it's the worst, LOL...Arcadia
The Retards Next door
Ok tonight is one reason I want to move real soon. These jerks next door are having a party and it's 2am, I am up right now, but will be going to bed very soon. I am helping some friends with laundry tonight. I would however like some sleep. The problem is they are probably drunk n stoned off their asses, and I don't want to deal with them. So I will probably just stay up. To bad, our neighbor wasn't home, then they'd be in trouble. Damn asses. I hope that stuff kills em, or gets em kicked out of school. They don't deserve to live here, with their actions. I also don't feel like calling the cops, because then they have to come over here, file a report, and ect. People suck. I just hope I can't hear the shit in my room, probably can though. Karma needs to kick their Ass
Exciting, but silly news....
Tonight I went back to observe Madonna's blog. I read some of it, and then looked back to see if my comment to one of her postings had been accepted. I was happy to find that it was!!!! I talked on it about how amazing she is, and that I have always wanted to attend a concert, but I felt that she would agree college was more important. It is really good to know that even though we haven't met we must connect on some level since she accepted my comment :) . So I guess dreams do come true, I posted as Arcadia, LOL.
Why do dreams stay with you?
Of coarse Madonna would have her own blog, and of coarse it won't let me comment on it, who am I to comment, but a insignificant spec in the sky... God, it's so insance, yah I mean why do I still feel connected to some women who makes millions while I live a meager getting by life. Why can't I give up on the hope that one day we might connect. I guess I am just foolish to think that anything is possible, that dreams do come true. I"m such a dork. Wish she'd read my blog, LOL. I know I shouldn't say it would never happen, but it's highly unlikely.
My Poetic rant.... displayed..
Tonight I feel like I have nothing that counts. My problem is I know I am wrong just fustrated by the wait that drags on. The more I push it pulls, life obstacles don't stop after you've hopped one or to of them.I don't care if the fairy tale is overated or unrealistic, it is what we all desire even if we say it is not so. Acceppting them with all the pitfalls we want to tear out and edit like a good televison show. It's like those nights where no matter how comfortable you try to get you still stay awake. Life is meant to hurt, that is what so many say.