
AMERICANS: We are tired of struggling in a country where we have so much, yet give our people so little. Budget cuts are being made everywhere. We are less and less: FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, it is not about the people anymore, just like T.V. isn't about Quality only ratings. This is my space, this is my quality, hopes, fears, and dreams, my stories I share with you.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Retards Next door

Ok tonight is one reason I want to move real soon. These jerks next door are having a party and it's 2am, I am up right now, but will be going to bed very soon. I am helping some friends with laundry tonight. I would however like some sleep. The problem is they are probably drunk n stoned off their asses, and I don't want to deal with them. So I will probably just stay up. To bad, our neighbor wasn't home, then they'd be in trouble. Damn asses. I hope that stuff kills em, or gets em kicked out of school. They don't deserve to live here, with their actions. I also don't feel like calling the cops, because then they have to come over here, file a report, and ect. People suck. I just hope I can't hear the shit in my room, probably can though. Karma needs to kick their Ass


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