
AMERICANS: We are tired of struggling in a country where we have so much, yet give our people so little. Budget cuts are being made everywhere. We are less and less: FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, it is not about the people anymore, just like T.V. isn't about Quality only ratings. This is my space, this is my quality, hopes, fears, and dreams, my stories I share with you.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

"It's just like starting over....."-John Lennon

Ok, so now I am ready to complete my mission. I have gotton the engine started, now I just need to complete the phase to go somewhere. So what do I mean by this? A couple of days ago I kicked myself so I could jump start the finishing aspects of my education. I contacted the dreaded information for my internship. I don't have it all completed, but it is in the works starting tommorrow. I can't say since this is a public Diary where I will be working, but it will be a lot nicer then my current position. I hope that I am able to make and hold a good impression if it should all occur as planned. Why? Everyone needs a second choice if something should go astray, but I"m pretty confident that this daycare will be fine, and that I will do a good job representing myself as well as them with a positive attitude of a attentive volenteer til my mission is completed, and two long one week classes in May, and June will get me a certificate to say ADIOS to college at least briefly. I think I might be a lifer Mckinely. I know I don't need to prove anything, but I want to finish what I started a bachlors in Edu would be nice, and could they take it away from me, or is it useless? I just want to do something with all those lonesome credits floating around my head. I am considering finishing that horrid math class that I flunked, just not right away. One class, that is it, and I could transfer someday to that big university, open ended for a new beginning, am I to old for that? One Class at a time and full time work, hmmm mmm do you think I am strong enough. Still am taking a spring and summer off after that darn math class that is what I am thinking, LOL.


Blogger McKinley said...

Congratulations on approaching the final (for now) phase of your mission! It must be very exciting--and a little scary--to start actually working in the field that you've hoped and dreamed about for so long now. I know you'll do a great job, because you have a lot of enthusiasm and determination.

I don't think there's anything wrong with being a lifer. By lifer, I mean someone who never thinks that their education is over, whether or not they are in school. A lifer is always waiting for life to teach them more. It really saddens me to see people who consider their education over when school ends. That should be only the start--school is our apprenticeship; life is when we master our craft.

Anyway, once you've taken some time off, you'll be able to decide about finishing your bachelor's degree. Who knows--maybe you'll find you really like day care. Maybe you'll decide that you don't want to work with children at all. And maybe you'll want to finish that bachelor's degree after all. Until then, I'd just enjoy all the new experiences you'll have. You're never too old to learn something new or go back to school.

12:04 PM  

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