Lets just blurt it all OUT!!!!!!!!! Scream!!! Ok, now I feel better.
If anything is going on I feel like I'm just getting more on the edge of things. I know that's nothing anyone wants to hear. I went to my classes today, and math went ok. It was my Linguistics class that angered me. I got back my response paper and instead of the usual 9/10 or even the 10/10 that I'd hoped for after working so hard on it, 8/10 it disgusts me! We went over our review for the mid-term which is this coming Monday. This whole college thing seems like a setup. ha ha ha. 1. They set you up to take a big chunk of your income. 2. Those living on campus whose mommy and daddy aren't paying are getting jiped on the nasty cafeteria food. I hear it keeps getting worse. 3. The Professors think there class is the only one you have. 4. Those who must work have an almost non-existant social life if any. 5. The stress it creates reaks havic on your body. 6. Those who can't afford health insurance suffer from it greatly. 7. All the student loans you have to pay back, even if you paid for most of it yourself. 8. The idea that the one job you are qualified for will actually be available to you when you graduate.
I will continue college, it just seems a very risky situation, just as risky as not going and working at Mcdonalds, or a Power Plant, you still have no health insurance, must eat crappy food in order to get by and pay rent, and you still get treated like crap, I will admit sometimes worse then those Profs. I just feel that we are as human beings set up for failure unless we are given the inate ability to solve mathamatical problems and do exceptionaly well in science. If you can't get through math, you might as well cry. la la haha. I'm trying to blow off steam. I have to study sometime today. I hope that gets done.
I"m sorry if I offend anyone, but this is how I deal with my stress, it keeps me sance. If I could make money complaining I'd be a millionair right now. Then I would give money to the poor, or at least good charities, I just can't see how people who have lots n lots of money keep it all for themselfs. I would invest it and give back to the community, but I don't have a million dollars yet. I still try to give back though anyway.
Don't you wish everyone was so nice?
I think everyone deserves a small house, a piece of land, a decent job, and children at least one. We need to start giving each other a hand up, not a hand down like all these dirty politicans!!!!!!!! I so wish I could start a REVOLUTION like the Beatles only sing about. It's a dream I have had for a couple of years now.
Well my train of thought has been interupted, TTFN ta ti for now.