AMERICANS: We are tired of struggling in a country where we have so much, yet give our people so little. Budget cuts are being made everywhere. We are less and less: FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, it is not about the people anymore, just like T.V. isn't about Quality only ratings. This is my space, this is my quality, hopes, fears, and dreams, my stories I share with you.
Upside down, and Right side up
(Originally Posted @ yahoo 360 same date.)
So today we were really busy at work. It went by quickly and I was pretty happy. At home I watched a short film called Harvey Krumpet that was fairly decent. I made myself pizza, that latter made me feel not so good. I love home made pizza, but I didn't do to well on this one. I wish I could have found my favorite round pan I normally bake my personal pizza's in. Oh well. Then I managed to get some of my laundry done. I should have done it all, but I just didn't feel up to it. I attempted to watch "Gangs of NewYork" that I borrowed from the Library, but I just couldn't watch killing tonight. So I sat down with my stand by "Gilmore Girls", and was glad to see Rory finally standing up to her Grandmother and seeing her the way her mother saw her for once. Now I am contemplating a nice warm bath, another round with the gilmores and a bit of a read "Sex in the City", then off to bed! I have to be up at 8:30am. My usual Sunday has been disregarded due to price changes where I work. It will be helpful to get an extra hour in anyhow. I have been wanting to read something of Literary value, but nothing has caught my eye. I tried to read "Into the Lighthouse" by Virgina Wolf, but I found it a very difficult read. I hope to try again this summer.
Until next time sleep well. Anchilada
Wishing for A Gilmore Day, but what's going on!?
I wanted to post "A Gilmore Day," but it wasn't really. I got up, and force myself to take the long hot shower I needed before I attempted my internship :). I felt pretty good about going to work. It was not as easy of a day as I thought it would be. Instead it was a learning experience.
As of now I am a little disappointed in "The Gilmore Girls" since in the sixth season rory has decided to quite yale, and take some time off. I always liked to picture her like my cousin, or my best friend who I look up to. Now I look at her, even though yes she is a fictional character, as just another chick falling into the popular crowed and prep catagory. This leaves me with a sad feeling. Her mother Lorili sticks to her values, and whitty humor while wishing her and Rory where still pals. So far in this season her mother is disappointed in her decison to take time off school. My problem with this from my point of view, I like many others think if she takes time off there is the consideration that she will never go back. I just thought hey this is a chick who knows what she wants and won't give it up for some boy. Well I guess I was wrong, and I begin to wonder, have the gilmore girls sold out too? I hope that as I continue on with this season something happens to change my mind. There are not many shows that are worth my time.
Templates, making your site your own.
I recently got my own myspace, and ever since I have wanted to create my own template for my blogger. I have found it difficult to find free templates online. How can myspace make it so easy to make your site look good, yet blogger gives me a head ache on how to do so.
I must have bee dreaming......
(Originally posted on my space @ yahoo360)Sometimes you wish people could be more open. I really love my grandma, but she doesn't see things the way I do. It is very hard for me to just let it go. Sometimes I think she feels I have everything I need. I don't know if she really understands how hard I have to work to keep going, or smile. You see I recently read a comment in an editoral for the express newspaper that is printed in my home town. I was upset at the fact that this person felt if we did not care for the way our country was run we should just relocate. It angered me greatly since many people have obstacles that keep them from doing so. I wrote in how I felt about it. I never really expected it to get published. I like to write, voice my opinion. I don't like people to tell me I can't be me. I made a mistake thinking my grandmother would be proud of me. That she would actually look at it as an accompishment, or a stepping stone. Instead you know what she said? "Stop feeling sorry for yourself. She didn't look at it like I did. That I was sticking up for the under privaliged, or trying to force others to view the whole picture instead of the narrow road. I really believe that everyone should be allowed a space for home, a time for a new beginning, the ability to be. It's not always that easy. She thinks that because I can pay my rent, go to school, and pay bills, have a husband that everything will work out. She doesn't understand that everything can change in a blink of my eyes. I have done really well trying to be positive about my life. I feel what helps me is helping others, standing up for them, and being myself. Right now I wish I could stand in the rain, or watch the lightening with my dad outside on our old porch. It always brings back warm fuzzies. Thank goodness for memories, hope, and faith. I keep telling myself that things will be good. I'm trying not to jinx it. For now I'll just have to acknoledge that my grandmother may never understand me. I have to realize at least I love and understand myself. What's hard is that even if she is mean, or hurts me, I still love her. I just wish she could open up, to view the big picture. I'm afraid all she sees is the narrow road ahead.
Traverse City Northern Express Paper
:) I recently responded to somone's comment in the Northern express here in T.C., and I was published!!! It makes for a happy day when you see your words on paper for the very first time. It is only a small burlb, but it's mine. My first small wave of ripples. If you would like to view it, e-mail me your snail mail address. Thanks!-Arcadia
As I continue my journey, life goes on
It's been a while since I have posted anything. I think mainly since no one has been checking out my site. Things are moving along in my life. I have started my internship, and like it very much. Today I am sick though. I felt horrible about having to call in. I slept til noon, got up ate some veggie soup, sat in my big blue comfy chair to read a book that I would love to share with Mckinly "Mr Posterior and the Genius Child" by Emily Jenkins. I think it is a hoot. Anyway what happened to me on falling ill was. I felt fine on Sunday, and then Monday went to do my internship at the daycare. I had a great day! I got to know the kids, tried to model examples of the behaviors the teachers wanted them to display, and played with the kids with blocks, in the sand box, with peg boards, ect. I think my main mess up was that I did not bring a coat. It has been getting rather chilly. I don't think any of us here were ready for fall. It came partically early this year. I remember last year around this time it was still sunny and warm. We had some pretty nice indian summer days. I don't think that will happen this year. There is still a chance, but it's not looking like it will warm up any time soon. So I came home that evening and my noise was completly stuffed up. I couldn't even breath out of it. so I had to breath out of my mouth which caused me to get a sore throat. I had to work the next day, and being that my husband is only working weekends right now I cannot afford to skip out on work. I went in, and made it throught the day. When I got home I felt worse. We have been doing a lot of labor at work. We have been short handed. They are trying to hire more people, and I am hoping it will happen soon. So last night I contemplated to I go into the daycare feeling bad, coughing badly, with a semi-warm/feverish feeling, or do I stay home. I thought about it and figured I better stay home. 1. I didn't want to get any of the kids sick. 2. I would be doing myself no good to keep pushing myself forward, instead of resting my thoughts were I'd only get worse. 3. I am still tired, but starting to feel better. I can breath through my nosie semi ok again, and my sore throat is starting to go away. Of coarse I will be heading back to work tommorrow. I am hoping that I will be up to par, starting Monday to continue my internship. Now my plan I have been thinking about for a long time considering my schooling is that I will try to find a full time job after I am done with this certificate in earlychildhood. If I can find this job then I will start working for them w/o going to school with the possibility of inquiring what they would think if I took a class at a time while working, after being there for a period of time, say one year max. If I cannot find a full time job with benifits then I will continue my education. Why quite school if I can't get what I need. It makes sense to stay in school to continue to get an education to have a full time job. Mckinely I hope to hear from you soon. I know this disertation is killing you, I send you my hope, so that you may continue. Also LOL nobody really reads my blogs so no worries. HOPE IN MY HEART AND FAITH ON MY PLATE I CONTINUE TO DREAM AND LIVE. arcadia
A Carrie Bradshaw Moment.....To Girlfriends
The world would be a sad place without girlfriends. I can't imagine not having any girlfriends to call, hang out with, do a bit of shopping, or reminise with after a long day. I have some friends who I can go without seeing for months or even years, and somehow we still connect. It's amazing how sometimes people can be so close, and suddenly we change. It can be for the better, or worse just like marriage. I just hope that all of my connections have change, will be changing, or are changing for the better. You never realize how much you care for your friends until you feel like you've lost them even if it is just your busy schdule that keeps you. A good friend is like a fine wine, rare, and the most important. I don't know where I would be without them. It's why I am who I am.