I am so tired tonight. I just started reading Jack Kerovac's "On the road" for my Popular Cultures class. I haven't gotton to far, but I like it. I love the way he just writes without any thoughts of grammer or punctuation. I wish that they would still allow writers to do that. I think that we focus less on the meaning of what is written, and instead focus to much on aspects of grammer. Words, sentances, and thoughts are about passion, and flow, not about the mechanics neccesarrially. It's like my spelling, I always use spell check when I write papers for professors, or other writings, here I can't use my ABC button, it just won't work, and when it does it's really slow. My painting class seems like it will be something good for me. I am however disappointed in how much it will cost me this semester for art supplies, especially for canvas, since we have to supplie all our own materials even though we had to pay a fee for them, how lame is that? It looks like so far the cheapest I'll get it is on sale at michaels for about 16 bucks when I get my weekend coupon. It has to be 18 by 24, and wal-mart doesn't carry that large of a size. My prof was like you can get a bigger one latter, but start with this, bigger, man I don't want anything bigger.
Well we'll see how this all goes this semester. I hope it's better then the last, and I learn alot. The papers are going to be something else. I don't know if I'll be able to pull off a 4.0 like in Adolescents and Cultural Diveristy, but then again I had to drop my math class. I didn't feel to cool last semester, the 4.0 didn't matter much. I would have rather passed math. LOL-TTFN ARCADIA