
AMERICANS: We are tired of struggling in a country where we have so much, yet give our people so little. Budget cuts are being made everywhere. We are less and less: FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, it is not about the people anymore, just like T.V. isn't about Quality only ratings. This is my space, this is my quality, hopes, fears, and dreams, my stories I share with you.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Dreams What Are they, in our Society?!

So much for Academic Bliss, I have a lot of work to do this semester. I can only hope that this Pop Culture class will at least help me inprove my writing skills. Painting so far is ok, we have only begun to learn how to mix colors. My dreams come true for both classes is that at the end of the year I will have a semi-realistic portrait of JOA, that's who I am thinking of doing a portrait of, Ha ha, but yeah I think it would be cool. Then for my English class to really somehow get involved in what Cars mean to Pop Culture. I"m not that into cars, but if I can get some true meaning from this class, maybe it will help me somehow. I keep telling myself that everything happens for a reason. The problem is right now I feel I have worked so hard for nothing. I mean my Associates in the Liberal Arts won't do didley, and neither will the other small degree that I know I can achieve which is the Certificate in Early Childhood. If money were not a factor life would be so much less complex. Everything here on earth is about money, Money creates your social status, and wether you are really someone in our captiolistic society, money is value, not love, exceptance, or the courage to be yourself. It is all about this piece of thin paper distrubuted for our precious time, and what we can consume with it. It's hard not to get wrapped up into all of it. I'm hoping that this Pop Culture class, might help me to see things differently. Money can make you ugly, even if you are the most beautiful person on the inside. It can eat you alive.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Another semester, I hope I can smile, it's suppose to be mine, non-academic Bliss!

I am so tired tonight. I just started reading Jack Kerovac's "On the road" for my Popular Cultures class. I haven't gotton to far, but I like it. I love the way he just writes without any thoughts of grammer or punctuation. I wish that they would still allow writers to do that. I think that we focus less on the meaning of what is written, and instead focus to much on aspects of grammer. Words, sentances, and thoughts are about passion, and flow, not about the mechanics neccesarrially. It's like my spelling, I always use spell check when I write papers for professors, or other writings, here I can't use my ABC button, it just won't work, and when it does it's really slow. My painting class seems like it will be something good for me. I am however disappointed in how much it will cost me this semester for art supplies, especially for canvas, since we have to supplie all our own materials even though we had to pay a fee for them, how lame is that? It looks like so far the cheapest I'll get it is on sale at michaels for about 16 bucks when I get my weekend coupon. It has to be 18 by 24, and wal-mart doesn't carry that large of a size. My prof was like you can get a bigger one latter, but start with this, bigger, man I don't want anything bigger.
Well we'll see how this all goes this semester. I hope it's better then the last, and I learn alot. The papers are going to be something else. I don't know if I'll be able to pull off a 4.0 like in Adolescents and Cultural Diveristy, but then again I had to drop my math class. I didn't feel to cool last semester, the 4.0 didn't matter much. I would have rather passed math.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Work Sucks

Why does it, you ask?
1. Everyone higher on the corporate ladder gets bonuses for what you do. 2. They get all the good days off, and keep cutting your holidays and pay. 3. Every six months to a year they change the system. 4. With all the downsizing they still expect one person to do the work of three. 5. Your boss gets yelled at and then you get yelled at, and it's a cycle. 6. As long as the big wigs are happy no one yells, but don't expect any compliments 7. You owe them because they give you a job to pay your bills, you should be greatful. 8. The next time I hear that a customer is always right, I want to fly away in my space ship to mars.
The everyday working American is a slave to the corporate companies.........