AMERICANS: We are tired of struggling in a country where we have so much, yet give our people so little. Budget cuts are being made everywhere. We are less and less: FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, it is not about the people anymore, just like T.V. isn't about Quality only ratings. This is my space, this is my quality, hopes, fears, and dreams, my stories I share with you.
Goodbye 2007, Hello 2008
Ok another year gone by to add to the notch of life! I hope we all were able to learn, grow, and become more indepth people of tolerance acceptance giving of hope to each other that is light not darkness
If not I am sorry you feel so enangered, enraged, unsettled, to choose Distruction over creation
I am Subdefective yes, I am smart at least I think so, this is why I am a Gilmore
Remember tolearnace is a girl's best friend, as long as it's used towards people who choose not to mame each other physically, mentally, or emotionally. This is america a place for freedom that is why our soldiers are dying in Iraq! This means Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, The fifth amendment. The people in this world leave me wondering if anyone cares.
to those of you true friends thank you.
"This is who I am you can like it or not you can love me or leave me cuz I'm never gonna stop"-Madonna
2:11 PM - (orginally posted on my myspace blog)
One must have many perspectives in order to obtain greatness.
These past couple of months I had been doing research on coming up with a way to publish my own book. I write poetry as some of you may have read on this page, others whom I have shared my work personally. There are several plans, idea's, goals which I would like to reach in the near future. I have had some stumbling blocks, fallen branches, rumble that has caused me to feel discouraged at this point. Right now just may not be the time for me to achieve that great success I have hoped for. I do tell myself that this does not mean that it won't happen. It's just a temporary problem. I am usually a person with a lot of gusto. I tell it like it is, but trying to motivate myself... grrr arg. I have this letter, sitting on my computer waiting to be sent with questions that linger asking myself why I don't just send it. So what if I don't have the money right now, at least I would get an answer. My words are no good to any one in my desk, on the floor of my bedroom, in my head.
I have been doing a lot of reading for instance I read "Crank" by Ellen Hopkins>great poet, n her line work is very interesting such that it reminds me of myself. It was quite scary for me because I don't want her to think my poems are a copy of what she does, I messed with my line work on my myspace way before I even knew who she was.
Then now I am reading: "Eat Pray Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert> this book has so much information I think we could all use. I read it and think man how can I remember all this great advice, quotes, and depth?
Overall I know what I have to do. It's like trying to eat all this good food at once. You just get a stomach ach, but you know somehow you just have to do it, or you may regrett it.
Arcadia or Subdefective Gilmore.....