
AMERICANS: We are tired of struggling in a country where we have so much, yet give our people so little. Budget cuts are being made everywhere. We are less and less: FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, it is not about the people anymore, just like T.V. isn't about Quality only ratings. This is my space, this is my quality, hopes, fears, and dreams, my stories I share with you.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


The warmer weather, and warm sunshine is starting to give me a lift as if I am walking on air. I am taking in the fresh air, and trying to remain in a positive stance. It is nice to know that my life is enhanced just by this one element, the weather. I still have a lot on my mind, but remembering to slow down, take a deep breath, relax and enjoy just being is essential. I was estatic when I remembered that my pop class will not be meeting next week. I have to start on my research for a paper. I'm not sure what I am going to write about yet. I know I'll be using the library quite a bit since most articles will need to come from reliable sources like journals, instead of online context. I don't want to have to do a lot of field work so I am going to have to be pretty chosey about the topic itself. I'll be disappointed for the class to end only because of the discussions in class. I am let down a bit since these discussions are just that discussions. I would have hoped that we could somehow make an inprint, impacting the thoughts of what is wrong with certain aspects of our society/culture to change it. Change is good when it is done for the good of everyone, not only certain social classes, or groups. It is true that we are responsible for the outcome of society. We cannot do this alone we need others to also stand up for rights. I know people rarely read my blogger, but one cool site that gives you the right to get your opinion heard is if you have time it is a wonderful site.
I hope the sunshine stays!


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